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How long can you take Pep if you have HIV?

If you are prescribed PEP, you will take HIV medicines every day for 28 days. PEP is effective in preventing HIV when it is taken correctly. What is PEP? PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis.

How long does pep take to detect HIV?

This helps to support patients taking their PEP medication as prescribed and facilitate follow-up HIV testing at 30 and 90 days. Additionally, for people who get HCV and HIV at the same time, it might take longer for HIV tests to detect HIV.

When should a clinician provide PEP after exposure to HIV?

(A1) Clinicians should not provide PEP later than 72 hours after a potential exposure to HIV. (A2) If an individual presents for PEP past 72 hours post exposure, clinicians should perform baseline HIV testing and recommend serial HIV testing at 4 and 12 weeks post exposure. (A2)

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